I’m American….

I’m American

My attention span is short

My heart is lined with fat

And it’s filled with hatred

Of those who disagree with that


I’m American

So I live in my own troubled bubble

Where my thoughts are rubble

And my mouth is muffled


I’m American

So if I’m the wrong complexion and I call the cops

I’m the one that’s more likely to arrested, beaten

Or even shot


I’m American

From the land of the free market

And the home of the brave bullshitters

I share a nation with despicable saints

And baby killer acquiters


I’m American

Living in a golden encrusted  historic satire

Where the 300 movie is the only mention

Of the Roman Empire

I’m American

This place should be the Earth’s capital

Where the voted reps are irrational

And our media isn’t factual


I’m American

Where we steal people

Then write laws that make it legal

Where the dollars the only real God

And a piece of paper is regal


I’m American

And as the demise for this place

Draws closer and closer

Bullet after bullet

Brings us to our patriotic closure







Breakfast, anyone?

All the king’s horses are turned into glue

And all the kings’s men are in Dr. Lecter’s stew

So as you lay there in pieces next to a wall

I can contemplate what kind of omlette to make out of you


Today in the News

This evening on the news Ebola strike again

Isis killed all of your friends

Gay sex is changing men

Obama is a secret Muslim

He and Bin Laden are really friends

So the Navy Seal 6 team were playing paintballs

For the win

Atheists eat babies

All dogs go to heaven

And you can keep your filthy secular justice

Away from my child molesting reverend

Saying your prayers makes you smarter

Along with swallowing your Jesus juice

Water your plants freely

No need to have your Bushes spruced

This has been your information from

Fox News

In the next hour we show you how to avoid AID’s

By not wearing pink shoes




Pogo (John Wayne Gacy)

Yet another October nightmare I wish to give to those that wish to read. Ever heard of John Wayne Gacy?? If not, google him, and allow me to haunt you….and parody Drake a little.lol

Pogo (John Wayne Gacy).


Disturbingly detailed creativity. My Jeffery Dahmer write. This is another October nightmare I wish to give whoever is reading. Enjoy…


Night Stalker (Richard Ramirez)

Delivering another realistic nightmare from the depths of my blog. I got the idea to write these about 2 years ago when I watching a lot of Biography on tv. After a little research and imagination comes this sickness…

Night Stalker (Richard Ramirez).

Nihilism Porn

Relax I didn’t write this to get your panties wet

I came to the stand and say things

That your mind and ears will regret

The first word spoken was “carnage”

Then the sky began to cave in on the audience

In my opinion the blood, gore and screaming

Vastly improved the ambience

I came to spit ignorance

Like kill people right in front of cameras with no mask

Wear tiny thongs and expose yourself to people

Then get angry when people stare at your ass

Drag your butt on a beach, ingest through it

And through your mouth shit glass

It was a sight to be seen from the stage

Destruction I wrote, was jumped off of the page

I looked to the left and saw a boxer

Peppering jabs on a salty sage

I look to the right

And see 69 priests

Suffering from snake bites

Nope, this wasn’t written to make your panties wet

Strictly to express panic, pandemonium, and desolation

Frankly it was written for my own masturbation



It’s Been a While

I haven’t freestyled in a while

I haven’t played around with my style

Committed genocide in a while

And thrown a bunch of carcasses in a pile

What blight do I aim to incite ?

Which suits am I pissing off?

How do they plan to stop me?

Drone strike, or chemical induced whooping cough?

I don’t wanna throw my weight around

I’m trying to throw yours in the ground

And bury you in fecal matter

As soon as I gulp this prune juice down

I’m a pen jab to your perception

An asterisk  to your reality

The knuckle dot to your eye

And the aids in your erotic fantasy

In your thoughts forever lurking

Worse than the person that walked in

On you while you’re jerking

And starts uncontrollably blurting

As you start squirting



Dictatorship Doctrine

Respect the blue notebook

Fear the life outlook

The powerful turn Machiavellian

And make underlings live Orwellian

This prole will rebel, and live to cause suffering

Here to turn sisters and Big Brothers into underlings

Dominance is taken heed of

Brutality is understood

So bow your head, or it’ll fit in a basket

And not in your hood

The masses obey the figure that placed on the stage

The wise rebels must wait to get me

Gather numbers, and withstand my plague

The process is a cycle for those that treat individuals as systems

Keep masses separated and beneath them

In the hopes they don’t gather and up lift them

They’ll beg for water, they’ll drown in their own blood

Let the dirt from their own gardens be their

Final resting place in mud



I’ve been shinning up this automatic for so long

That I decided to let it slide

This squeeze will be for your death

A good old fashioned homicide

No vest for protection, no ghosts in sight

So besides these blasts for you it will be

A silent and holy night


I’ve been working on this poem my whole life

I call it my suicide

This blade has been pressing on my wrist for so long

That I decided to let it slide

Nothing to fill my nose, nothing to clog my lungs

No illusion to make me smile

Whenever death comes